Mastering Basic Japanese Phrases for Tourists

by lubd(dot)com


Stepping into Japan feels like entering a world where the past and future merge seamlessly. Between bustling city streets, tranquil temples, and mesmerizing landscapes, Japan offers a travel experience unlike any other. And while you don’t need to speak fluent Japanese to get by, learning basic Japanese greetings and phrases can be a game-changer.


Whether you’re cycling through Japan’s scenic routes or simply wandering its historic alleys, knowing some basic Japanese for tourists will enhance your trip. You’ll not only navigate situations with more ease but also connect on a deeper level with the locals, creating memories that go beyond the usual tourist experience.


Lub d will walk you through 23 essential Japanese phrases—the perfect toolkit for anyone planning their first adventure in Japan.




Why Learn Basic Japanese?


by lubd(dot)com


“But do I really need to speak Japanese to visit Japan?”


The short answer? Not at all. But it’s like sprinkling extra toppings on your travel sundae. Speaking even a few words of basic Japanese can make your journey more enriching and delightful. You’ll find that most people in tourist-heavy areas speak some English, but those moments where you try a little Japanese? They’ll make your trip unforgettable.


And if you’re traveling with Lub d, we’ve got your back with local guides to help bridge any language gaps!




Basic Japanese Greetings


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One of the first things you’ll notice when you arrive in Japan is the politeness and respect ingrained in daily life. A simple greeting can set the tone for your interaction, whether you’re meeting a local or asking for directions.


1. Hello – Konnichiwa (こんにちは)

Pronunciation: kohn-nee-chee-wah

Greeting someone in Japan goes beyond words—it’s often accompanied by a bow. The depth of the bow indicates respect, and while tourists are not expected to bow perfectly, a nod with your konnichiwa can leave a lasting impression.



2. Thank You – Arigatou Gozaimasu (ありがとうございます)

Pronunciation: ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zah-ee-mahs

One of the most polite ways to express gratitude, arigatou gozaimasu is perfect for everyday encounters, whether you’re thanking a shopkeeper or a friendly stranger who gave you directions.



3. Please – Kudasai (ください)

Pronunciation: koo-dah-sigh

This phrase is your go-to for polite requests, whether you’re asking for directions or making an order at a restaurant.



4. Excuse Me / I’m Sorry – Sumimasen (すみません)

Pronunciation: soo-mee-mah-sen

Sumimasen works in many scenarios—getting someone’s attention, apologizing for bumping into them, or thanking them for their help. It’s a versatile phrase that’ll keep your interactions smooth and polite.



5. Good Morning – Ohayou Gozaimasu (おはようございます)

Pronunciation: oh-hah-yoh goh-zah-ee-mahs

Start your day in Japan with this cheerful greeting. It’s the equivalent of saying “Good morning!” but with a touch of politeness. You can drop the gozaimasu for a more casual vibe among friends and simply say ohayou.



6. Good Evening – Konbanwa (こんばんは)

Pronunciation: kohn-bahn-wah

If you’re heading out for dinner or catching a stunning sunset, konbanwa is the perfect way to greet people in the evening. It’s friendly and respectful, making it an essential part of your basic Japanese phrases arsenal.



7. Good Night – Oyasuminasai (おやすみなさい)

Pronunciation: oh-yah-soo-mee-nah-sigh

After a long day of exploring Japan, end your conversations with oyasuminasai, which means “Good night.” It’s a warm and polite way to bid farewell before hitting the hay.




Basic Japanese Phrases for Getting Around


Japan’s public transport is famously efficient, but having a few key phrases up your sleeve will make things even easier.


8. Yes – Hai (はい)

Pronunciation: hi

This simple affirmation will help you in most scenarios, whether you’re confirming a train ticket or nodding in agreement during a conversation.



9. No – Īe (いいえ)

Pronunciation: ee-eh

Sometimes, you just need to say no, and Īe will come in handy, whether you’re politely declining a purchase or indicating that you don’t need help.



10. Nice to Meet You – Hajimemashite (はじめまして)

Pronunciation: hah-jee-meh-mah-shee-teh

When introducing yourself to someone, especially in a more formal setting, hajimemashite is the phrase to use. Pair it with a smile and a slight bow, and you’re good to go.



11. Goodbye – Sayōnara (さようなら)

Pronunciation: sah-yoh-nah-rah

Although sayōnara is commonly known, it’s often reserved for long-term goodbyes. If you’re just leaving a shop or restaurant, a simple arigatou gozaimasu works just as well.




Japanese Phrases for Dining


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Food is a huge part of Japanese culture, and knowing a few phrases can make your dining experience all the more enjoyable.


12. Itadakimasu (いただきます)

Pronunciation: ee-tah-dah-kee-mahs

Before you dive into your meal, say itadakimasu to show respect for the food and those who prepared it. This ritual is a cultural cornerstone of Japanese dining.



13. Delicious – Oishii (美味しい)

Pronunciation: oh-ee-shee

When you’re enjoying your meal (and you will!), expressing that it’s oishii will certainly be appreciated by those around you.



14. Check, Please – Okaikei Onegaishimasu (お会計お願いします)

Pronunciation: oh-kai-kay oh-neh-guy shee-mahs

Ready to settle your bill? Use this phrase to ask for the check, and you’re all set.




Shopping Phrases in Japanese


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Shopping in Japan is a dream, from quirky souvenirs to high-end fashion. These phrases will help you navigate the process.


15. How Much is This? – Ikura desu ka? (いくらですか?)

Pronunciation: ee-koo-rah deh-soo kah

Knowing this phrase will come in handy whether you’re buying snacks from a local market or browsing a stylish boutique.



16. I’ll Take It – Sore o Moraimasu (それをもらいます)

Pronunciation: soh-reh oh moh-rah-ee-mahs

Once you’ve decided to make a purchase, sore o moraimasu will signal that you’re ready to buy.




Handling Emergencies


Hopefully, you won’t need these, but it’s always good to be prepared just in case.


17. Help! – Tasukete! (助けて!)

Pronunciation: tah-soo-keh-teh

This word is your cry for help in case of an emergency. Memorizing it could be crucial in a tough situation.



18. Hospital – Byōin (病院)

Pronunciation: byoh-een

In case of any medical issues, knowing the word for hospital will help you communicate your needs more effectively.




Expressing Affection in Japanese


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When the beauty of Japan captures your heart, or you want to express how much you’ve enjoyed your trip, these phrases will do the trick.


19. I Love Japan – Nihon Daisuki (にほんだいすき)

Pronunciation: nee-hohn dahy-soo-kee

Chances are, you’ll be using this phrase a lot! Whether you’re speaking with locals or reflecting on your trip, nihon daisuki is perfect for conveying your love for the country.




Basic Travel-Related Japanese Phrases


Traveling in Japan can be a seamless experience, thanks to the country’s efficient transport systems. Still, having a few travel-specific phrases in your back pocket can help you out, especially in less touristy areas.


20. Where is ? – ___ wa doko desu ka? ( はどこですか?)

Pronunciation: ___ wah doh-koh deh-soo kah

This phrase will be your best friend when navigating new cities or looking for attractions. Just insert the location (like “station” or “hotel”) and you’ll be on your way.

Where is the station? – Eki wa doko desu ka? (駅はどこですか?)
Pronunciation: eh-kee wah doh-koh deh-soo kah



21. I Don’t Understand – Wakarimasen (わかりません)

Pronunciation: wah-kah-ree-mah-sen

This phrase will help you communicate when you’re a bit lost or confused. Whether it’s during a conversation or while reading a sign, saying wakarimasen can help indicate you need assistance.



22. Do You Speak English? – Eigo o hanashimasu ka? (英語を話しますか?)

Pronunciation: eh-ee-goh oh hah-nah-shee-mah-soo kah

This is a great starting point when interacting with locals. Many people, especially in tourist areas, speak some English, and this question will help you find those who can assist you in your native tongue.



23. I’m Lost – Mayotteimasu (迷っています)

Pronunciation: mah-yo-teh-ee-mah-soo

Whether you’re exploring narrow streets or wandering through Tokyo’s busy districts, mayotteimasu is a lifesaver if you find yourself unsure of where you are.






Mastering these basic Japanese phrases before your trip will make your adventure in Japan smoother, more fun, and more culturally immersive. While the language might seem challenging at first, remember, it’s not about speaking fluently—it’s about showing respect and embracing the beauty of Japanese culture. Every konnichiwa you say builds a bridge between you and the people you meet, making your journey all the more rewarding.


So pack your bags, brush up on these basic Japanese greetings, and get ready to explore Japan with confidence!




Lub d Osaka Honmachi


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Ideal for budget-conscious travelers seeking a central location, Lub d Osaka Honmachi stands out as a top choice for experiencing the essence of Osaka’s dynamic urban charm.



Check out our @lubdjapan account for travel recommendations in Osaka!